Tiffany Traditions Farmstead
Traditional practices with regenerative agriculture to grow for the future.
Fresh produce
We practice traditional agriculture, now called regenerative, by minimal soil disturbance and feeding the soil with natural additives from our own farm livestock. For pest control, we combine healthy plants with companion planting and nature insect repellents.
Wild Edibles
Wild edibles are scattered throughout the wooded areas of the farmstead including blackberries, raspberries, PawPaw trees, wild ginger, comfrey and various nuts trees. These products, combined with other locally sourced items are used to create tinctures and other compounds.
Local Honey
After several unsuccessful years trying to raise bees in typical Langstroth Hives, we have moved to natural beekeeping with Layens horizontal hives. In these insulated hives, bees can live more like they do in hollow trees and don't require extensive human intervention.
Free-Range Chickens
Our chickens live happy lives foraging wooded pastures for greens and insects and their health eggs reflect the results. We protect them from woodland predators with roosters and our wonderful livestock dogs.